hayoooo, thank you all for the support and the comments in my last animation, Madness Purgatia.
I wanted to apologize for making animations at a low framerate, the reason why I do this is that my computer is not very powerful, so animating at 30fps is quite difficult for me; Not because I don't have enough experience, in general it's very difficult to make animations like this while my room smells like smoke.
it limits a lot of potential, but I guess there's not much I can do about it. I always try to do my best when it comes to animations, even animating in a slightly unusual style. As always, I'll keep trying to get better with each animation I make.
I didn't plan to write a post about this, but I think it's necessary given the number of people who have mentioned it to me, however, thank you all very much.
also excuse me if I have written something wrong, I am not an expert at English
- In case you haven't seen it, here's the animation so you understand what I'm talking about.
Honestly, I don't think that the low frame rate is that big of an issue as long as it's done right, so there is no need to apologize.